I was a bit surprised to hear that in our Upper School we assign homework over the summer. It is usually to read a novel for an English class or something similiar, but still, I was surprised. It is part of the culture here though, and it is difficult to argue with anything that supports the notion of "always learning." At a faculty meeting the other day, I was assigned some homework of my own. Our Director, Dr. Bieber, suggested we pick one of the "strands" under umbrella of school improvement, skim a few and then read one closely. I've posted the list below (compiled by Dr. Bieber, Mr. Mobbs and Mr. Helmer with links where possible as it looks like a provocative list of reads that will spark some discussion at the start of the 2011-12 school year.
Assessment for Learning
How Should We Measure Student Learning? The Many Forms of Assessment. There is more than one way to measure a student's abilities by Edutopia Staff
Drive (excerpt): Dan Pink: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc - Animated Video 11minutes
Dan Pink on Motivation - TED Talk 19 minutes
From Degrading to De-Grading: Alfie Kohn
Seven Practices for Effective Learning: Jay McTighe and Ken O'Connor
Show Us What Homework's For: Kathleen Cushman
Authentic learning/Inquiry
High School at a Crossroads: Ed Coughlin
Inquiry learning – journeys through the thinking processes: Kath Murdoch
Making Thinking Visible: Ron Ritchhart and David Perkins
Problem-Based Learning: The Foundation for 21st Century Skills: John Barell
21st Century Skills
Comparing Frameworks for “21st Century Skills”: Chris Dede
The Five Minds for the Future: Gardner, Howard
Innovation Through Technology: Cheryl Lemke
Preparing Creative and Critical Thinkers: Donald J. Treffinger
School for the 21st Century
A Diploma Worth Having: Grant Wiggins
Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow—Today
Designing New Learning Environments to Support 21st Century Skills: Bob Pearlman
Leadership for Learning: Powell and Powell
Do schools kill creativity? Sir Ken Robinson
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